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  Just like jeans, T-shirts became one of the 20th century’s most universal and mythical items of clothing—with more than two billion a year sold worldwide. An extraordinary fate for this 1)unassuming cotton tube shaped like a T that began its career in the men’s underwear department.
  In the 1970s, 2)Elle magazine announced that the T-shirt would become “a basic item of clothing that will never go out of fashion because it’s already beyond fashion.” The 3)wager was won, because the T-shirt has been admitted to that 4)hallowed 5)pantheon of basics, alongside the 6)trench coat and the little black dress. Yet nothing seemed to 7)preordain the T-shirt’s 8)exalted status as a worldwide, unisex uniform not only of relaxation, but of elegance, too. Before being displayed on 9)chests of every shape and size, the T-shirt began its career in the secrecy of the men’s underwear department.
  At the end of the 19th century, this shirt 10)learnt the ropes in the U.S. Navy well before it won the hearts of sportsmen and workers alike, with its twin virtues of comfort and hygiene. When those 11)GIs who showed off their T-shirts during the Second World War in the 12)sweltering heat of the Tropics returned home, their shirts were as heroic as they were. And the new gods of Hollywood, going by such names as 13)Marlon Brando and 14)James Dean, gave the T-shirt its rebel cachet and showed the whole world just how erotic it could be.
  In the 1960s, with the development of 15)silkscreen inks, the T-shirt became the universal, unisex medium for proclaiming, or just sending messages. Whether delivering the peace-and-love message of the hippies, or even as a walking billboard for multinational corporations, this symbol of consumer society has turned into a kind of portable modern medium, one both affective and demanding. It is also a work of art that embodies new democratic ideals. In a word, the T-shirt is to clothing what the blank sheet of paper is to writing—a surface for imagination and free expression to run wild. Be it in 16)chic plain colors or a gaudy print; adorned with a message on the front or the back, the T-shirt sends out certain signals. Printed with the Rolling Stones’ tongue or the name of Britney Spears, embellished with the 17)crest of a favorite team, this undershirt 18)juggles with every manner of identifying sign among all the many tribes and clans in the world of youth.
  The official fashion world, often influenced by the eye-catching styles of the street, got its hands on the T-shirt so that it could meet the new desire for luxurious relaxation. Enhanced by shapehugging 19)Lycra, 20)cashmere or 100% silk, pop designer or 21)logomaniac, the T-shirt has little by little betrayed its democratic origins, and turned into a luxury article. Henceforth, well-removed from political 22)manifestos, brands are involved with both mass customization and limited editions, turning this basic garment into the fleeting reflection of the wearer’s personality.
  A long way from universalized fashion, the T-shirt also 23)plays hooky and can be adapted to anyone’s personal whim or wish. As a result of new computer software and stores offering personalized 24)tansfers, the T-shirt can be made to measure or to commemorate the big moments of everyday life. Life stories can now be told on T-shirts. And the story of the T-shirt, which fashion historians have hitherto 25)turned their noses up at, is nowadays trying to unfold in words and pictures.


“别担心,”我对老师说,  “我能读懂唇语。”  “哦,真的吗?”她惊讶地问道。  “是的,”我说。为了让她明白我真的懂唇语,我用手指指着她的嘴唇,如同老师平时用手指指着黑板上的单词一样,一边指,一边严肃地说:“很久很久以前……”  一直以来,我都热衷于读唇语。我是如此痴迷于读唇语,以致于我不仅能读懂唇语;对于我,你的整张脸就是一本打开的书。你的肢体语言和动作手势为我描绘生动的图画。你甚至还没开口
记得念初中的时候学过魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》这篇课文,赞颂的就是士兵。他们身上担负着保卫国家的使命,同时,作为一个凡人,他们也有血有肉有细腻的情感,他们有自己的家庭,他们也害怕在战争中死去,害怕再也见不到他们的亲人和密友。战争是残酷的,妻离子散,家破人亡的惨境太不堪,让我们祈祷和平,祈祷世间不再有战争,不再有欺凌,不再有伤害。  ——Lavender
A yellow circle, embellished with black eyes and a smile stretching from ear to ear, Mr. Smile is a 1)paragon of optimism and 2)good humor. Before this little fellow became the fetish of 3)house music
Black beret sporting a star, black hair and black beard, handsome features 1)set in defiance, eyes staring out at the faraway horizon…In March 1960 Alberto Korda’s lens captured this classic portrait
零八年七月的一个夏日午后,偶遇《殡葬人手记——一个阴森行业的生活研究》,我开始为它无限着迷。这二十几年来,我一直在努力寻找一种方式,克服心里对那些没有了呼吸的人的恐惧,因为爱而带来的极度恐惧。我知道,我终于找到了。  作者托马斯·林奇,一个给死人化妆的殡葬人,一个在生死边缘聆听歌唱的听者,有时候又有点实际地喋喋不休于葬礼的经济数目,以及人们给死亡拉上帷幕时的窘态。他的父亲一辈子都惧怕死亡,看上去是
A political banner    Che’s face, advertisements for ballpoint pens or 1)Heineken beer, as an advertising medium, the T-shirt has recruited 2)proselytizers for 3)all manner of 4)causes, including the
远行的心 翻译/撰稿  You packed your last two bags.   A taxi’s round the 1)bend.   You used to laugh out loud,   But you can’t remember when.   You 2)lost your lines.   It’s like your moving out of time,   And
夜漫漫,时间无休止地流逝  黎明在我眼前降临  这一天我又会彷徨,不知道  沿着自己的生命轨道,我将找到什么    该做些什么,我希望我知道  我一直在独自想念你  蓝色的多瑙河  阳光把我灵魂的颜色照进你心里    布达佩斯……    这一天开始了,轻柔的风  和寂寞的小提琴一样美好  如此清澈明亮,  我看见河流奔腾出视野之外  我无法给我的这个家下定义  这个家,我在等待着一个信号  上苍会
“你还要钻研那份报纸多长时间?你能马上过来哄哄你的宝贝女儿吃点东西吗?”  我把报纸丢到一边,匆忙跑过去。  我唯一的女儿辛度,泪盈于睫,看上去像是受了惊吓。在她面前是一碗满到边缘的酸乳酪饭。  和同龄的小孩比,辛度算是一个乖巧,并且非常聪明的小孩了。  她刚满八岁,特别讨厌吃酸乳酪饭。但我的母亲和妻子思想都很传统,她们坚信酸乳酪饭具有消暑的作用。