This paper reports that the precancerous model and carcinogenesis of nasal nasopharynx induced by DNP in rats, the vast majority of cancers occur in the nasal cavity, with subcutaneous injection of DNP 20mg/kg body weight 32 times, 100% precancerous lesions can occur in 154-210 days. 50% of patients develop cancer. The earliest case of cancer occurred in 160 days. If the dose is not changed, the incubation period is extended to 273-302 days, and the cancer incidence is increased to 85.7%. The use of domestic retinamide (RI) inhibited the carcinogenesis, and the incidence was reduced to 38.4%, which was not reported in the literature. In addition to nasopharyngeal nasal cancer, DNP can cause esophageal cancer in 20% of animals within 160-302 days. RI also has a significant inhibitory effect on DNP-induced esophageal cancer.