To investigate the effect of ovariectomy, ovarian cycle and pregnancy on prostacyclin synthase (PGIS), western hybrid ewes were selected and euthanized by intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital to isolate uterine and omental arteries. Previous studies prepared the uterus and omental arteries of non-pregnant luteal phase sheep (uterus, n = 4; omentum, n = 8) and 119-130 d of gestation (uterus, n = 6; omentum, n = 8) (N = 6), follicular phase (n = 6) and non-pregnant ovariectomized group (n = 6) Luteal phase (n = 6) sheep and pregnant ewes (120 to 130 days of gestation, n = 8) were prepared for endothelial separation of uterine and omental arteries