患者,女,56岁,回族,已婚。以“发现左乳肿物1年”为主诉,门诊以“左乳肿物性质待定”收入院。查体:T 36.3℃,P 84次/min,R 22次/min,BP 110/70mm Hg。患者既往患糖尿病5年,注射诺和锐控制血糖,2009年行胆囊切除术,否认肝炎及结核等传染病史,绝经6年。专科检查:胸廓无畸形,双乳对称,外观及皮肤无明显变化,双乳头无内陷及溢液,左乳2点距
Patient, female, 56 years old, Hui, married. In order to “found left breast tumor 1 year ” as the main complaint, outpatient “left breast tumor properties to be determined ” income hospital. Examination: T 36.3 ° C, P 84 breaths / min, R 22 breaths / min, BP 110/70 mm Hg. Patients with past history of diabetes 5 years, Connaught and sharp control of blood glucose, cholecystectomy in 2009, denied the history of hepatitis and tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, menopause 6 years. Specialist examination: no abnormal thoracic, symmetrical breasts, no significant changes in appearance and skin, no nipple and nipple discharge, left breast 2 o’clock