1 选地:进行地膜覆盖栽培和长效碳铵春季一次性深施的,均应选择土层较厚,土质较好的旱平地、坡根地、坡面水平梯田及水浇地。2 施肥量的确定:以制种田亩产量达到300kg以上和长效碳铵在大田玉米高产田用量为参数,确定在中等的地力和农家肥施用量情况下,地膜覆盖玉米制种春播一次性施用氮素化肥长效碳铵示范田的亩用量为60kg。如果耕地肥力高或农家肥用量足,可减至50kg。反之,可增加到70kg。3 播种施肥技术要点:播种时,如果采用先播种后覆膜方式的,在每幅膜的两条播种沟中间,开一15cm~17cm深沟;将长效碳铵、钾肥,按亩用量均
1 Election: For mulching cultivation and long-acting ammonium bicarbonate one-time deep application in spring, thicker, better soil quality should be selected for arid areas, slope roots, slope terraces and irrigated fields. 2 to determine the amount of fertilizer: to produce more than 300kg per mu of farming and long-acting ammonium bicarbonate in field corn yield of high yield as a parameter to determine the medium in the case of manure and fertilizers, mulching of corn seedlings in spring planting a one-time application Nitrogen fertilizer long-acting ammonium bicarbonate demonstration field mu amount of 60kg. If cultivated land fertility or farmers fertilizer enough, can be reduced to 50kg. On the contrary, can be increased to 70kg. 3 sowing and fertilization techniques: sowing, if the use of the first sowing after filming, in each film two sowing ditch, open a 15cm ~ 17cm deep groove; the long-acting ammonium bicarbonate, potassium, according to the amount of mu