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不破不立穷途末路,一潭死水的企业破产改制后短期内冬去春来重新焕发光彩和活力本文忠实地描述了这一沧桑变化郑州中药厂是一家有着40年历史的国有中成药骨干企业。前身是1952年几家药店联合创建的郑州市联营制药厂,1956年公私合营时改为现名。该厂的“中州”品牌曾荣获国家1992年首批授予的“中华老字号”称号。由于经营不善,1996年4月29日被郑州市中级人民法院裁定破产,截至1996年5月31日累计亏损2398万元。破产时职工总数1152人,离退休人员306人,在职职工846人。同时,郑州花园置业宣布本着“振兴国药,拯救中华老字号”的意愿斥资收购该厂,并在原有企业基础上实行改组重建。 Without breaking the dead end, a bank of stagnant water after the bankruptcy reform of the company will soon return to spring to brighten and vitality. This article faithfully described this vicissitudes of change. Zhengzhou Chinese Medicine Factory is a 40-year-old state-owned proprietary Chinese medicine backbone enterprises. The predecessor was the joint pharmaceutical factory of Zhengzhou City established by several pharmacies in 1952. It was changed to the current name in 1956 when public-private partnerships were established. The “Zhongzhou” brand of this factory has won the title of “Chinese Time-honored Brand” awarded by the nation in 1992. Due to poor management, on April 29, 1996, Zhengzhou City Intermediate People’s Court ruled bankruptcy. As of May 31, 1996, it had accumulated a loss of 23.98 million yuan. At the time of bankruptcy, there were 1,152 employees, 306 retirees, and 846 employees. At the same time, Zhengzhou Huayuan Real Estate announced that it would “purchase China’s old name” and “willfully save China’s old name” and use it to purchase the plant and implement reorganization and reconstruction on the basis of the original enterprise.
前不久,国家计委下发了《关于提高国产农膜料出厂价格的通知》,内容如下: 一、将国产农膜料的价格形式由国家规定中准出厂价格和浮动幅度改为国家统一规定出厂价格,并适当提
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常德市公路桥梁建设总公司是经省建委、省交通厅批准成立的具有独立法人资格的公路工程施工二级企业,注册货金1800万 Changde Highway Bridge Construction Co., Ltd. is a s
买东西交钱,用电交电费,这本是再平常不过的道理。但有些爱占便宜的用电户却总是费尽心机,采取各种手段窃电,这不仅给供电企业带来巨大的损失,而且造成惊人的电价…… 触目