升陷汤原载张锡纯《医学衷中参西录》一书,该方由生黄芪、知母、柴胡、桔梗、升麻五味药组成,具有益气升陷、宁心安神之功能。笔者近年来将该方辨证化裁运用于临床,疗效堪称满意,现举验案两则于下。1 淋证 患者罗××,男,60岁,1992—9—6来诊。该患形体颇丰,夙罹咳疾10余年。自述近20日来咳喘气短乏力,经X线胸透诊为气管感染,静点青霉素后略有好转,但仍自汗不止,夜间尿频。
Ascended into Tang Yuyuan and Zhang Xichun’s book “Medical Participation in Western Record”. The party is composed of raw Huangqi, Anemarrhena, Bupleurum, Campanulaceae and Cimicifuga. It has the function of Qishengsheng and Ningxin. In recent years, the author has used this dialect for clinical trials and the efficacy is satisfactory. 1 Leaking patients Luo × ×, male, 60 years old, 1992-9-6 visits. The affected body is quite abundant, and it has been coughing for more than 10 years. After nearly 20 days of cough, shortness of breath and fatigue, the patient complained of an infection of the trachea after being diagnosed with X-ray chest. He recovered slightly after penicillin, but she still experienced spontaneous sweating and frequent urination at night.