Skin is the human body feel pain, temperature, touch, pressure and other stimuli receptors, the skin not only sensory function, but also has the defense, excretion, regulate body temperature and absorption function. In addition, the skin also has immune function, because the skin of the sebaceous glands secrete saturated fatty acids and lactic acid secretion of lactic acid and lysozyme have a bactericidal effect. The skin can also make vitamin D, to help prevent rickets. 3 years ago children’s skin is characterized by thin and tender skin, rich in blood vessels, poor defensive function, so the skin vulnerable to injury and inflammation. And because the nervous system development is not yet perfect, the skin’s ability to adapt to the outside world is poor, susceptible to cold or heat. However, children’s skin absorbs and excretes carbon dioxide and water more significantly than adults, it is because the child is in the growth and development stage, strong metabolism, skin absorption and excretion more than adults.