
来源 :中国美术研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duanluchao
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鲜卑早期没有自己的文字,与服饰相关的记载散见于汉族文本中,近年来日益增加的考古资料为认识早期鲜卑服饰提供了重要资料,学界多有精彩论作刊布。汉族文本对鲜卑服饰的记载反映了汉人特别是社会上层对异民族服饰的认知态度,通过钩沉相关文献并结合考古发掘资料发现:汉魏文献对鲜卑服饰的记载尽管简单概括,但基本反映了鲜卑服饰的民族特征,而南朝士人对鲜卑服饰“被发左衽”的简单描述则具有极强的政治寓意。 Xianbei did not have its own text in the early period, and costumes related records are scattered in the Han texts. The increasing archaeological data in recent years provided important information for understanding the costumes of Xianbei in the early years. The Han texts reflect the costumes of Xianbei reflects the Han people, especially the upper class on the different national costumes cognitive attitude, by hooking Shen relevant literature and archaeological excavations found: Han Wei Wei Xianbei costumes although a brief summary of the records, but basically reflects the Xianbei costumes of ethnic characteristics, and the Southern Dynasty scholars Xianbei clothing “was sent ” a brief description of the extremely strong political meaning.
本文讨论湖北随州叶家山西周曾侯墓出土的甬钟和镈的源流关系和年代序列。 This paper discusses the source and flow of the Yong-Chung and Xihu unearthed from the Tom