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美国伯明翰艺术博物馆成立于一九五一年,是隶属于伯明翰市的一座公立中型博物馆,其起源可追溯至一九○八年成立的伯明翰艺术俱乐部。藏品丰富多元,总量逾两万六千件,主要为亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲、前哥伦布时期及美洲原住民的杰出艺术品。其中,非洲艺术品两千余件,包括从十二世纪至今的人物雕塑、面具、法器、家具、纺织品、陶瓷、金属饰品、实用器物等;美洲艺术品涵盖了从十八至二十世纪中期的绘画、雕塑等;亚洲艺术品于一九五一年开始收集,藏品来自中国、日本、韩国、印度和东南亚,有漆器、陶瓷、绘画、雕塑、佛教物品等,共四千余件。博物馆藏品中最具综合性、体系性的是亚洲艺术品,尤其是越南陶瓷,是世界上最精美的陶瓷收藏之一。博物馆教育规划多围绕馆藏永久藏品和展览来设计,通过教育规划与社区相连,为不同年龄阶层的人员提供了与艺术互动的良机。博物馆以通过收藏、展示、阐释和保存最高品质的艺术品来为各种不同的社会群体提供一种无与伦比的文化和教育体验为宗旨,使其成为了一个艺术的天堂,让来访游客可领略到世界各地的不同艺术,感受艺术精粹,更可学习艺术,将生活艺术化。 Founded in 1951, the Birmingham Museum of Art is a public, medium-sized museum affiliated with Birmingham whose origins date back to the Birmingham Arts Club, established in 1908. The collection is rich and diverse, with a total of over 26,000 pieces, mainly of outstanding works of art in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, the pre-Columbian period and Native Americans. Among them, there are more than two thousand works of art in Africa, including figure sculptures, masks, statues, furniture, textiles, ceramics, metal ornaments and practical utensils from the 12th century onwards. American artwork covers from the 18th to the 20th centuries Medium-term paintings, sculptures, etc .; Asian art collection began in 1951 with collections of more than 4,000 pieces from China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia with lacquerware, ceramics, paintings, sculptures and Buddhist items. The most comprehensive and systematic collection of museum objects is Asian art, especially Vietnamese ceramics, one of the finest ceramic collections in the world. The museum's educational programs are designed around the collection of permanent collections and exhibitions and are linked to the community through educational planning, providing opportunities for people of all ages to interact with the arts. The museum aims to provide an unparalleled culture and educational experience to diverse social groups by collecting, displaying, interpreting and preserving the highest quality of artwork, making it an art paradise for visitors to enjoy Different art around the world, feel the essence of art, but also to learn art, life art.
To determine the frequency of progressive MRI lesions shortly after radiotherapy for glioma with spontaneous improvement or stabilization, the authors studied a
目的研究奥沙利铂联合亚叶酸钙和氟尿嘧啶治疗晚期大肠癌的疗效及毒副作用。方法奥沙利铂130 mg/m2,静脉滴注,第1天,亚叶酸钙100 mg/m2,氟尿嘧啶500 mg静脉推注后,350 mg/m2
配合物Et_2NH_2 [Nd(S_2CNEt_2)_4]的晶体属三斜晶系,空间群为P_1,a=10.161(2) ,b=11.342(1) ,c=18.339(2) ,α=81.57(1)~0,β=106.03(0)~0,γ=116.61(0)~0,V=1815.4 (
1982年到1991年,我利用业余时间为冷水江市消防中队战士义务授课 520多个小时,战士们的文化水平有了不同程度的提高,其中有34个战士先后考取省教导大队和警官院校.每当我回
A spate of cold currents has caused steep falls in the usually mild temperature of Shenzhen and heralds the arrival of winter in this city.More importantly.it s
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