1998年,全国农用电力网改造的时候,温州几家做电源开关的企业,如正泰、长城、德力西,在短短三四年间一下子做大,其中正泰目前的产值达60多亿、德力西50多亿,从几十万到几十亿,这些企业年增长达16.50%。然而整个广东在如此巨大的商机面前却没有动静。 2001年,全国城市电网改造工作开始启动。一个更大的蛋糕摆在眼前广东还会再次错过吗?深圳罗庚电能,一家在电力配件行业被誉为“黑马”的企业、意气风发地说,未来五年要做电力配件行业的“华为”。
In 1998, when the nationwide agricultural power network was transformed, several companies in Wenzhou, such as Chint, Great Wall, and Delixi, became large and powerful in a short period of three or four years. Among them, Chint’s current output value reached more than RMB 6 billion. With more than 5 billion yuan from the west, from hundreds of thousands to billions, these enterprises have increased by 16.50% annually. However, Guangdong has not moved in front of such a huge business opportunity. In 2001, the transformation of urban power grids across the country began. A bigger cake in front of Guangdong will miss again? Shenzhen Luo Geng electric energy, a company known as the “dark horse” in the power accessories industry, said with great vigor, the next five years to do the power accessories industry “Huawei” .