Air Pollution in the Brazilian Road Transport and Its Environmental and Social Consequences

来源 :环境保护(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loopdd
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The use of fossil fuels has been greatly increased since the eighteenth century with advent of the industrial revolution. Currently, the use of these fuels is responsible for, on average, 80% of energy generation in human society, producing large emission
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One of the problems that mining represents in relation to the natural watercourses is the possible formation of what we call acid mine drainage, which consists
This paper explores the location of slaughter houses in the city outskirts, describes its functioning and explores its impact on the environment and health of r
<正> 我们党一贯重视思想政治工作,历来把它当作领导和团结人民群众进行革命和建设的有力武器。胡耀邦同志在党的十二大报告中明确指出,思想建设决定着我们的精神文明的社会主义性质。所以,思想政治工作者在建设社会主义精神文明中担负着特别重要的责任。本文仅就思想政治工作的地位和作用谈点粗浅认识。
The adverse effects of lead poisoning have long been of environmental concern. A large number of research papers have reported many routes of lead poisoning, of
妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤,文献报道其发生率差异较大,1:81~1:2500,其相关因素较多,但妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤的并发症高于非妊娠期 。目前对卵巢肿瘤处理时间和方法尚有争议,本文回顾性总结江苏省