通过对河南省洛宁县罗岭乡路沟村退耕还林林分的涵养水源效应进行观测和研究,结果表明2006年洛宁县退耕还林林分的林冠截流量为2.5万m3,枯落物总持水量为5.8万m3,土壤有效储水能力为1776万m3。实际储水量为另外不同林种的影响程度不同,生态林比经济林显著。按照自来水的市场价格计算为8 922 181元。用替代工程的影子价格来计算水资源价格的水源涵养价值为11 954 383元。
Through observing and studying the water conservation effect of returning farmland to forest in Luoling Township, Luoning County, Henan Province, the results showed that the canopy cutoff of returning farmland to forest in Luoning County in 2006 was 25,000 m3, total litter Water holding capacity of 58000 m3, soil effective water storage capacity of 17760000 m3. The actual water storage has different impacts on different forest types, and the ecological forest is more significant than the economic forest. According to the tap water market price is 8,922,181 yuan. The water conservation value of the price of water resources calculated using the shadow price of alternative projects was 11,954,383 yuan.