十三、投放五期幼蟹的水体要不要建防逃设施? 需要建,但可缓建。虽然五期幼蟹因个体小,爬行能力和逃跑能力不强,但防逃设施也需在投放后的一月内建好。防逃设施可选用表面光滑、有一定强度、取材方便、价廉物美的材料,建在圩堤中部,高50cm,下埋土中30cm,出檐20cm,四角弧形。 十四、如何确定五期幼蟹合理放养量? 五期蟹种的合理放养密度应根据水体条件、蟹种规格、饲养方式、饵料多寡、技术水平、经济投入等灵活掌握,不宜过密。蟹种最好一次放足。下列放养量供参考。
Thirteen, put five crabs of water or not to build anti-escaping facilities? Need to build, but can be slow to build. Although the fifth phase of crabs due to the individual small, crawling ability and ability to escape is not strong, but anti-escaping facilities also need to be put into service in January after the completion of. Anti-fleeing facilities can choose smooth surface, a certain strength, easy access, cheap materials, built in the middle of the dike, 50cm high, buried in the soil 30cm, eaves 20cm, four corners of the arc. Fourteen, how to determine the reasonable stocking amount of five crabs? Crab reasonable stocking density of five species should be based on water conditions, crab specifications, feeding methods, the amount of food, technical level, economic investment and other flexible control, should not be too dense. The best kind of crab put foot. The following stocking for reference.