Current Status of Targets and Assays for Anti-HIV Drug Screening

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgsnt1
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HIV/AIDS is one of the most serious public health challenges globally. Despite the great efforts that are being devoted to prevent,treat and to better understand the disease,it is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Currently,there are 30 drugs or combinations of drugs approved by FDA. Because of the side-effects,price and drug resistance,it is essential to discover new targets,to develop new technology and to find new anti-HIV drugs. This review summarizes the major targets and assays currently used in anti-HIV drug screening. Despite the great efforts that are being devoted to prevent, treat and to better understand the disease, it is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Currently, there are there are 30 drugs or combinations of drugs approved by FDA. Because of the side-effects, price and drug resistance, it is essential to discover new targets, to develop new technology and find new anti-HIV drugs. This review summarizes the major targets and assays currently used in anti-HIV drug screening.
美国弗吉尼亚阿灵顿海军研究所以史蒂文·菲斯曼为首的研究人员经巧妙改进 ,在过去传统锻铸法的基础上发明了新的“沉淀铸造法”。即以铝、铜铸件为母体 ,在关键部位 ,诸如磨
谈到意大利,总是下意识地联想到名字是三个字或四个字的跑车,而谈到性能,如同“三星”标识成为劳力士的代表Logo一样,张着鲨鱼嘴的玛莎拉蒂就是恣意驰骋的GT跑车代表。 Spea
崔学桂 教授(山东大学化学与化工实验教学中心主任 )崔学桂 ,女 ,1 948年 1 2月出生 ,1 974年 7月毕业于山东大学化学系 ,2 0 0 0年晋升为教授 ,现任山东大学化学与化工实验
本文叙述了用两段法制备用作疏水催化剂载体的多孔大颗粒苯乙烯-二乙烯苯共聚物。研究了不同交联度、粘度、致孔剂用量和组成对共聚物比表面积的影响 This article describes
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来自父辈的熏陶  2014年7月14日至21日,浙江交响乐团受文化部派遣赴巴西参加中巴建交40周年庆典,并配合习近平主席的访问开展相关文化交流。该团两度献艺,点燃了巴西听众的巨大热情,掌声经久不息。  浙江交响乐团成立只有短短的5年,但取得的成绩为国内同行瞩目。探究其因,之一是离不开那位始终谋划着乐团发展的掌门人、团长陈西泠的努力。  陈西泠1956年出生于杭州的一个艺术家庭:父母亲早年在上海、四