尽管2012年行业形势不好,但观众依然没有减少对bauma China 2012的关注。企业对技术的提升不减反涨,短短两年时间各企业纷纷推出了新产品,品种多样,不仅是企业之最更有创新产品,并且创国际纪录,充分体现了“新”的宗旨,也成为展会上必不可少的亮点。1各企业展品本届展会国内企业占足风头,不仅场地面积大,展品数量多,而且展品最新,下面我们就来盘点一下各企业展出的工程起重机新产品。1.1中联产品之最中联之最的牌子最为醒目。此次展会带来了“全球最大吨位全地面
Despite the poor performance of the industry in 2012, the audience still did not diminish the attention to bauma China 2012. Enterprises enhance their technology without any hesitation. In just two years, various enterprises have introduced new products in different varieties. They are not only the most innovative products in the enterprise, but also have an international record that fully reflects the ”new“ Purpose, has become an indispensable highlight of the show. Exhibits of all enterprises The current exhibition of domestic enterprises accounted for the limelight, not only the venue area, exhibits a large number of exhibits and the latest, we will now take a look at the display of new products of construction cranes. 1.1 Zoomlion products most of the most brand most eye-catching. The show brought ”the world’s largest tonnage of all-terrain