Mevleviye sema ceremony was originally a round dance played by the male followers of Islam Mawlawi in cult service in the evening at Fridays. The basic acts only comprise ceaseless whirling. It's astounding that every whirling span lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.
The Mevleviye is an ascetic Sufi order founded in 1273 in Konya, from where it gradually spread throughout the Ottoman Empire. Today, the Mevleviye can be found in many Turkish communities throughout the world, but the most active and famous centres of the order’s activity are in Konya and Istanbul.
The Mevleviye are renowned for their whirling dances. At their dancing ceremonies, or Sema, a particular musical repertoire is played. Based on four sections of both vocal and instrumental compositions, it is performed by at least one singer, a flute-player, called neyzen, a kettledrummer and a cymbal player. The earliest musical pieces originated from the middle of the 16th century, which combined the tradition of Persian and Turkey music. The musical repertoire was expanded gradually and took shape prior to the early 20th century.
Dancers used to receive 1,001 days of reclusive training within the mevlevi-houses (mevlevihane), where they learned about ethics, codes of behavior and beliefs by practicing prayer, religious music, poetry and dance. After this training, they remained members of the order but returned to their work and families.
Following a recommended fast of several hours, the whirlers begin to rotate on their left feet in short twists, using the right foot to drive their bodies around the left foot. The body of the whirler is meant to be supple, with eyes open but unfocused so that images become blurred and flowing. As a result of secularization policies, all mevlevihane were closed in 1925.The Turkish government began to allow performances again, though only in public, in the 1950s, restrictions were eased in the 1990s. Some private groups are re-establishing the original spiritual and intimate character of the Sema ceremony. 在数小时的禁食后,旋转者开始以左脚为支撑,用右脚作为动力腿做短暂的旋转。旋转者的身体应该是柔顺的,眼睛睁开但不能聚焦,以免视线模糊、流动。舞蹈仪式在巨大圆形的房间举行。1925年还俗政策的结果是所有的修士会教堂被关闭。许多教众在私人聚会中仍保留了他们的传统。30年后,土耳其政府又开始允许这种表演,但只能在公共场合举行。上世纪90年代后,约束松懈,私人团体再度出现,这些私立团体希望能重建原有的精神和该舞蹈仪式的隐秘特色。
Bridging over Europe and Asia and influenced by both culture of the East and the West, Turkey is endowed with unique charm. "King of Dance--'fire of heat'" was once a metaphor of Istanbul (a famous Turkey city). Viewing it is like taking a walk in that city where you can experience the crash and merging of the two cultures.
Mevleviye dancers whirled composedly over and over again. A dozen of dancers clad in fluorescent clothes led the viewers into the lithe and graceful kingdom of dance…then, ancient fairy tale, religious rites and modern cultural collision unfold one by one. During the two-hour performance, the troupe spares no effort to demonstrate the merging process of the culture of Persia, Arab, Byzantium, Osman, China and the West.
"Fire of heat" is delicate, exquisite and nimble. It is worth mentioning of its masterpiece -- the "belly dance". Led by the heroine, dancers wave their bodies, emitting sex appeal, lively rhyme and aesthetic feeling.
The Mevleviye is an ascetic Sufi order founded in 1273 in Konya, from where it gradually spread throughout the Ottoman Empire. Today, the Mevleviye can be found in many Turkish communities throughout the world, but the most active and famous centres of the order’s activity are in Konya and Istanbul.
The Mevleviye are renowned for their whirling dances. At their dancing ceremonies, or Sema, a particular musical repertoire is played. Based on four sections of both vocal and instrumental compositions, it is performed by at least one singer, a flute-player, called neyzen, a kettledrummer and a cymbal player. The earliest musical pieces originated from the middle of the 16th century, which combined the tradition of Persian and Turkey music. The musical repertoire was expanded gradually and took shape prior to the early 20th century.
Dancers used to receive 1,001 days of reclusive training within the mevlevi-houses (mevlevihane), where they learned about ethics, codes of behavior and beliefs by practicing prayer, religious music, poetry and dance. After this training, they remained members of the order but returned to their work and families.
Following a recommended fast of several hours, the whirlers begin to rotate on their left feet in short twists, using the right foot to drive their bodies around the left foot. The body of the whirler is meant to be supple, with eyes open but unfocused so that images become blurred and flowing. As a result of secularization policies, all mevlevihane were closed in 1925.The Turkish government began to allow performances again, though only in public, in the 1950s, restrictions were eased in the 1990s. Some private groups are re-establishing the original spiritual and intimate character of the Sema ceremony. 在数小时的禁食后,旋转者开始以左脚为支撑,用右脚作为动力腿做短暂的旋转。旋转者的身体应该是柔顺的,眼睛睁开但不能聚焦,以免视线模糊、流动。舞蹈仪式在巨大圆形的房间举行。1925年还俗政策的结果是所有的修士会教堂被关闭。许多教众在私人聚会中仍保留了他们的传统。30年后,土耳其政府又开始允许这种表演,但只能在公共场合举行。上世纪90年代后,约束松懈,私人团体再度出现,这些私立团体希望能重建原有的精神和该舞蹈仪式的隐秘特色。
Bridging over Europe and Asia and influenced by both culture of the East and the West, Turkey is endowed with unique charm. "King of Dance--'fire of heat'" was once a metaphor of Istanbul (a famous Turkey city). Viewing it is like taking a walk in that city where you can experience the crash and merging of the two cultures.
Mevleviye dancers whirled composedly over and over again. A dozen of dancers clad in fluorescent clothes led the viewers into the lithe and graceful kingdom of dance…then, ancient fairy tale, religious rites and modern cultural collision unfold one by one. During the two-hour performance, the troupe spares no effort to demonstrate the merging process of the culture of Persia, Arab, Byzantium, Osman, China and the West.
"Fire of heat" is delicate, exquisite and nimble. It is worth mentioning of its masterpiece -- the "belly dance". Led by the heroine, dancers wave their bodies, emitting sex appeal, lively rhyme and aesthetic feeling.