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近30年来,肺癌在世界各地的发病率及病死率急剧上升。在欧美国家占男性恶性肿瘤病死率的首位,在我国,肺癌的病死率占全部恶性肿瘤的7.56%,列为第五位;但在一些大城市如北京、上海、广州等地的资料表明,肺癌的发病率及病死率已居恶性肿瘤的首位。肺癌组织学类型的确立,对制定临床治疗方案、判断其生物学行为及预后,甚至对流行病学的探讨,均有重要意义。例如肺的鳞状细胞癌多位于肺的中央部,以局部扩展为主,不易转移,常与吸烟有关;肺腺癌多位于肺的外周部,常伴有肺的疤痕形成,易于广泛转移。对于肺癌的组织学分类,过去国际上多采用或基本采用WHO的肺肿瘤组织学分类。这种分类是根据光镜观察,着重从瘤细胞的形 In the past 30 years, the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in the world have risen sharply. In Europe and the United States, which account for the highest mortality rate of male malignant tumors, in China, the mortality rate of lung cancer accounts for 7.56% of all malignant tumors, ranking fifth, but data in some large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou indicate that The incidence and mortality of lung cancer have ranked first in malignant tumors. The establishment of the histological type of lung cancer has important implications for the development of clinical treatment plans, judgment of biological behaviors and prognosis, and even for epidemiological studies. For example, squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is mostly located in the central part of the lung and is mainly localized. It is difficult to metastasize and is often associated with smoking. Lung adenocarcinoma is often located in the peripheral part of the lung, and is often accompanied by scarring of the lung, which is easy to spread widely. For the histological classification of lung cancer, the lung tumor histological classification of the WHO has been adopted or basically adopted in the past. This classification is based on light microscopy, focusing on the shape of the neoplastic cells
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<正> 初看,保尔·奥斯脱的文学生涯是清清楚楚的两个阶段:70年代至80年代初期,他是一位可敬、但少为人知的编辑、译者、诗人和评论家;然后,到80年代中期,他在两年内发表了三部长篇小说,即“纽约三部曲”——《玻璃城》(1985)、《鬼魂》(1986)和《锁着的房子》(1986),他成了多产而成功的小说家。但他的情况一如他的小说那般复杂。下边的对话