我院图书馆的内部交流资料有 2 80余种 ,其中包括期刊、论文集及科研资料汇编等多种类型。学术会议资料是指每年外出参加各类学术会议带回的论文集或资料汇编。我院每年都能收集到几十本这一类的资料。上述资料虽然不是公开发行的书刊 ,但它能集中反映一个专业的技术发展动态 ,
There are more than 280 kinds of internal communication materials in our library, including various types of periodicals, essays and compilation of scientific research materials. The academic conference materials refer to the essays or compilations of materials that are brought back to various academic conferences each year. Every year, our hospital can collect dozens of this kind of information. Although the above information is not a public offering of books and journals, it can focus on reflecting the development of a professional technology,