
来源 :中国社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangping118
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大学生医疗保障,一直是个沉重话题。对于长期以来一直游离于社会医疗保险覆盖范围之外的大学生而言,一旦遇上突发疾病或重大事故,动辄数十万的医疗费,仅靠每年几十元的公费医疗报销,实在是杯水车薪,多数情况下只能依靠师生捐款、组织社会捐助以及数额较少的商业保险等方式应对。而江苏省苏州市从今年9月1日起实行的大学生医疗保险,将有望改变这种现状,15万苏州大学生将全部被 Medical insurance for college students has always been a heavy topic. For college students who have been out of coverage of social medical insurance for a long time, in the event of a sudden illness or a major accident, hundreds of thousands of medical expenses at any time will cost a few extra dollars a year In most cases, teachers and students can only rely on donations, organize social contributions and a small amount of commercial insurance and other ways to deal with. Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province from September 1 this year, the implementation of the college medical insurance, is expected to change this situation, 150,000 Suzhou University students will be all