[Synopsis] Mark Reutton is a drug addict, and the three individuals who live with him belong to the same category, they are proud of Simon, nicknamed “sick child”; silly but very cute, called “potato” Daniel; there is a girl named Alison, her little daughter, Dorn, she and one of the three individuals born, but none of them know exactly who is the child’s father. One day, the Government Unemployment Insurance Association informed Mark and Daniel to attend job interviews, and if they did not do so, they would be suspended from unemployment benefits. However, both of them did not want to work and were therefore acting face-to-face during interviews eliminated. Afterwards, they went to the bar to celebrate that the old problems of Begibi’s random violence were not changed, and the wounded were transformed into gangs and the bar was in turmoil. Mark met at the discotheque young sexy wear