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痛风性关节炎的关节肿胀、疼痛影响到患者的日常生活活动能力,故成为康复治疗的重点。用非甾体抗炎药物与青霉素治疗急性痛风性关节炎,缓解关节功能障碍,取得了较好的效果。1对象与方法病例来自1996~2000年本院门诊和住院急性痛风性关节炎患者,共89例,均为男 Gout arthritis swollen joints, pain affecting the daily living activities of patients, it became the focus of rehabilitation. With non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and penicillin treatment of acute gouty arthritis, relieve joint dysfunction, and achieved good results. 1 objects and methods of cases from 1996 to 2000 in our hospital outpatient and inpatient acute gouty arthritis patients, a total of 89 cases were male
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Backgrand: After incision,correction and intal fixation with Kirschner pins and steel pins, many patients has been observed to have joints dysfunction even rigi
Morphine is classical analgesic with strong effect. Nowadays, controlled- release morphine tablets(MS Contin) are the most advanced among all morphine forms, wh
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64 cases of tibia platform fracture were received and treated from February1994 to December 2000. The patients were guided for rehabilitation treatment as early
目的了解脑卒中后抑郁障碍( PSDD)的发生率、相关因素及临床特点,寻找防治措施。方法采用 SDS量表对 115例脑卒中病人年龄、病程、性别、卒中次数、肌力等资料统计分析。结果 PS
冠心病尤其合并严重左心室功能不全( LVD)患者往往对内科药物治疗疗效不满意,预后差,通常死于心肌梗死、心力衰竭或严重心律失常。冠状动脉搭桥术( CABG)是目前冠心病治疗的主要手