
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wiltonx
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“三年援疆路,一生兵团情。”这是第一批由中央和国家机关选派到兵团工作的援疆干部们的共同心声。3年来,援疆干部热爱兵团、无私奉献、兢兢业业、扎实工作,在兵团各条战线上发挥了巨大的促进和带动作用,受到兵团职工群众的广泛赞誉。今后,将会有更多的援疆干部来兵团工作。他们的到来,既给兵团工作增添了活力,也使兵团人更好地履行屯垦戍边使命增加了信心和勇气。中央选派干部到边疆工作这一举措,必将会在兵团的发展史上写下特殊的篇章。为此,本期“本刊专稿”栏目特编发援疆干部许柏林在兵团第一批援疆干部总结表彰大会上的发言和本刊记者撰写的首批援兵团干部业绩综述文章,以此共忆共勉,以此共颂“咱们的兵团”! “Three Years of Aidiang Road, a Lifetime Regiment.” This is the first batch of the aid cadres who are dispatched to the corps by the central and state organs to have the same aspiration. In the past three years, the aid Xinjiang Corps has devoted itself to the Corps for its selfless dedication, conscientious work, and solid work. It has played a tremendous role in promoting and driving all fronts in the Corps and is widely praised by the workers and staff of the Corps. In the future, there will be more aid cadres coming to Corps for work. Their arrival not only added vitality to the work of the Corps, but also increased the confidence and courage of the Corps to better perform its mission of reclaiming and garrisonning frontiers. The move of the Central Government to send cadres to border areas will surely write a special chapter in the history of the Corps. To this end, this issue “Zhuangao” column specially compiled aid cadres Xu Berlin in the Corps first aid cadres summed up the commendation speech and the reporter’s compilation of the first batch of corps cadres performance review article, as A total of mutual encouragement, in order to celebrate “our corps!”
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一北宋文学家苏轼幼年聪颖过人,五岁知书,九岁能文,琴棋书画,无所不会,常常受到诗朋词友们的称赞,他不觉有些飘飘然起来。有一天,苏轼洋洋自得地在自家大门上 One of the No
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