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为了提高装载机产品的振动与噪声测试分析技术水平,改善装载机的噪声状况,对ZL50G型轮式装载机进行了试验研究。装载机产品振动和噪声的问题普遍存在,工程车辆噪声控制水平直接影响到产品的质量和市场竞争力,振动和噪声控制研究是装载机生产厂家必须面对和设法解决的课题。对ZL50G型装载机进行了噪声振动测试分析,获得噪声和振动频谱。以噪声作为故障症状,通过频谱分析、相干分析,得出所测信号的频谱结构,确定了噪声频谱图中各噪声峰值对应的噪声源及其传递路径,指明了装载机降噪的主要目标。通过对ZL50G型轮式装载机主要噪声源部件的研究,依据振动和噪声测试分析结果,提出轮式装载机振动与噪声的控制方法,通过实施有效的减振、降噪措施,降低了ZL50G型装载机噪声。试验表明,这种方法能够建立噪声状态与振动状态的映射关系。振动和噪声的频谱分析作为一种传统的分析手段,在实际工程应用中对于噪声故障诊断有着重要意义。 In order to improve the technical level of vibration and noise test and analysis of loader products and improve the noise condition of the loader, the ZL50G wheel loader was tested. The vibration and noise problems of loader products are ubiquitous. The noise control level of construction vehicles directly affects the quality and market competitiveness of products. The research on vibration and noise control is a topic that loader manufacturers must face and try to solve. ZL50G loader noise vibration test analysis, access to noise and vibration spectrum. With the noise as the symptom of failure, the spectral structure of the measured signal is obtained through spectrum analysis and coherence analysis. The noise sources and their transmission paths corresponding to the noise peaks in the noise spectrum are determined, and the main objectives of noise reduction of the loader are pointed out. Based on the research of main noise source components of ZL50G wheel loader, the method of vibration and noise control of wheel loader is put forward based on the results of vibration and noise test analysis. Through effective vibration reduction and noise reduction measures, the ZL50G Loader noise. Experiments show that this method can establish the mapping relationship between the noise state and the vibration state. Spectrum analysis of vibration and noise as a traditional means of analysis is of great significance to the noise fault diagnosis in practical engineering applications.
提出了双循环流化床烟气悬浮脱硫工艺,它由两级分离装置--反应塔内部的惯性分离装置和塔外的下排气旋风分离器构成.在3 000 m3/h试验台上进行了试验研究,得到了工艺的阻力特
<正> 在社会主义市场经济条件下,监狱体制面临着重大改革,即打破“狱企不分”的旧体制,建立“统一领导,双轨运行”的新体制。实行“狱企分开”,就是罪犯与工人的生产场所分开