
来源 :药物流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xin__yonghu
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患者,女,38岁,因陈发性眩晕伴呕吐3d入院.3d前无明显诱因而出现眩晕,并伴呕吐(吐出物为胃内容物,非喷射状,不伴发热及头痛),持续约1h自行缓解,缓解后如常人.以往身体健康.体检:T36.5℃,P76次/min,R20次/min,BP10/8KPa;神清,检查欠合作,双眼球无震颤,双侧瞳孔等大等园,直径3mm,光反射灵敏,颈软,无抵抗,心肺无异常,肝脾肋下未触及,双肾区无叩击痛,神经系统无异常.实验室及其它检查:血常规:RBC5.69×10~(12)/L;WBC6.9×10~9/L,N71%,L26%,M3%,PT171×10~9/L;尿粪常规(一);B超检查双肾及输尿管未见异常.入院诊断:美尼尔综合征.给予B族维生素口服,同时静滴培他啶注射液(锦州制药一厂生产,批号:93020812)每日1次,每次500mL;用药次日眩晕症状明显减轻,未见不良反应;用药第4日患者出现血尿,尿色鲜红,尿常规检查示红细胞满视野,潜血(?).膀胱镜检查示膀脱粘膜可见散在出血点,以膀胱三角区为甚.诊断为出血性膀胱炎.怀疑系培他啶注射液所致,随即停用该药,其它药物继续应用,同时静滴酚磺乙胺(止血敏)3g(加10%葡萄糖注射液中),次日血尿消失,观察3d无复发,痊愈出院.本例于应用培他啶注射液后出现肉眼血尿,停药后血尿消失,膀胱镜检查,可见散在出血点,故很可能由培他啶注射液所致.培他啶注射液为组胺类似药物,具有外? The patient, female, age 38, was hospitalized for dizziness and vomiting due to stupor.3 days before dizziness and vomiting (vomiting was noted as spasm, non-jet, without fever and headache) for no apparent reasoning for 3 days 1h self-remission, as normal after remission. In the past, physical health. Physical examination: T36.5 ℃, P76 times / min, R20 times / min, BP10 / 8KPa; Shen Qing, check owed cooperation, bilateral eyes without tremor, bilateral pupils Large garden, diameter 3mm, light reflection sensitive, soft neck, no resistance, no abnormal heart and lung, liver and spleen ribs not touched, no perineal percussion pain, nervous system no abnormal Laboratory and other tests: RBC5.69 × 10-12 / L; WBC6.9 × 10 ~ 9/L, N71%, L26%, M3%, PT171 × 10 ~ 9/L; Kidney and ureter no abnormalities. Admission diagnosis: Meniere’s syndrome. B vitamins given orally, while intravenous injection of peracetam (Jinzhou Pharmaceutical Factory production, batch number: 93020812) once daily, each 500mL; On the fourth day after treatment, hematuria, red urine color and routine urine examination showed red blood cells full field, occult blood (?). Cystoscopy showed that the debonding membrane showed scattered bleeding spot, To the bladder triangle is even. Discontinuity of the drug, other drugs continue to be used, while intravenous phenol sulfonamide (hemostatic sensitive) 3g (plus 10% glucose injection), Hematuria disappeared the next day, no relapse was observed 3d, cured and discharged in this case after the application of peitilidine injection of hematuria gross hematuria, withdrawal after hematuria disappear, cystoscopy, scattered scattered bleeding, it is likely to injection of peracetam Liquid induced. Petiridine injection for histamine similar drugs, with outside?
例1 女,6个月。半月前其母无意中发现患儿左侧腹部有一肿块,增大迅速,无发热、呕吐及腹痛。哺乳和大小便均正常。体检:T37℃,发育正常。浅表淋巴结无肿大,无恶液质,心肺阴性