编辑为知名作家编书立传不是新闻,知名作家为当代普通编辑立传出书是新闻,是在出版史上有重要意义的新闻。青海作协副主席、散文家王立道的长篇传记文学作品《烛照篇——黄伊和当代作家》一问世,十几家报刊和广播电台纷纷作了报道,有的还发表了部分章节,说明大众传媒对这部专著的重视。一位在中国社科院工作的老朋友得到此书的当天才读了两章就急忙打来电话,问我看过了没有。他说内容实在感人,干编辑这一行的奉献精神和事迹外界知道得太少了,应当广为宣传介绍。 由谁来宣传介绍好呢?编辑写自己未尝不可,但不免有局限性,许多事情不便由自己说,看问题也往往不如旁观者清。由作家来写编辑,效果显然比编辑写自己好。编辑活动主要涉及作者及其作品,一部部作品从孕育到诞生,编辑起了多大作用,功过如何,作者最清楚。这部以黄伊为主轴的当代文学编辑家传记写得很成功,感人至深,读后得益良多。本书有三大特色给我印象最深。
Editing books for well-known authors Rumor is not news, well-known writers make presentations for contemporary general editors News is a news story of great significance in the history of publishing. As soon as the long-biographical literary piece “Candlelight articles - Huang Yi and contemporary writers” of Wang Li-dao, the vice-chairman and essayist of Qinghai Writers Association came out, more than a dozen newspapers and radio stations made reports. Some also published some chapters on the public Media attention to this monograph. An old friend who was working in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences got the call on the very day that he got the book, hurriedly called and asked if I had seen it. He said that the content is really touching. The dedication and deeds of the editors in this line have little knowledge of the outside world and should be widely publicized. Who is to promote a good introduction? Editors can not write their own ideas, but inevitably have limitations, many things inconvenience to myself, to see the problem is often not as good as bystanders. Written by the writer to edit, the effect is clearly better than the editor to write himself. Editing activities mainly involve the author and his work. The work of a department works from birth to birth, how much the editor plays, how can he work, and the author knows best. The biographies of contemporary literary editors with Huang Yi as the chief axis were very successful, touching and profitable. The book has three big features impressed me the most.