坚持党要管党全面从严治党 进一步提高公司党建工作水平

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我们必须深刻把握中央对党建工作的新要求,深刻领会习近平总书记对推进国有企业全面深化改革、推动国有企业落实管党治党责任等一系列重要指示,深入落实南方电网公司党组对党建工作的各项部署,增强历史责任担当,增强使命意识,牢固树立政治意识、大局意识、核心意识和看齐意识,切实加强和改进公司党的建设,充分发挥党组的领导核心作用、党委的政治核心作用、党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党 We must profoundly grasp the new requirements of the party Central Committee for party building work, profoundly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important instructions on pushing forward the all-round deepening reform of state-owned enterprises and promoting the responsibility of state-owned enterprises in administering the party and the party, Strengthen the awareness of mission, firmly establish the awareness of politics, the overall situation, the core awareness and the awareness of alignment, conscientiously strengthen and improve the party building of the Company, give full play to the leading role of the party leadership, the political core role of the party committees, Party branch of the fighting fortress and party
因工作需要,我于1997年调入县委老干部局。15年来,我由陌生到熟悉,由熟悉到热爱,由热爱到执著,可以说是一步一个脚印,无怨无悔。我觉得,只要对老干部充满感情,用心为老干部的事多打几个电话,多跑几步路,多上几次门,也许就可以解决他们的困难,温暖他们的心。  几年前,县建材总公司一位离休干部因病去世了,单位欠其医药费、护理费2.5万元,后来只解决了一部分。我了解到这个情况后,就上门找其主管单位。因为