2013年3月,一则白领为移民而卖房卖车奔赴新西兰卖水果的新闻见诸报端。这位80后作为白领移民样本广为流传,移民的脚步越来越轻。招商银行和贝恩管理顾问公司联合发布的《2011中国私人财富报告》显示:个人资产超过1亿元的大陆企业主中27%已移民,还有47%正在考虑移民;而胡润研究院与中国银行私人银行联合发布的《2011中国私人财富管理白皮书》称:个人资产超过1 000万人民币的高净值人群中,近60%的人士已完成投资移民或正在
In March 2013, news of a white collared soldier who went to New Zealand to sell fruit for immigrants came across. The 80-year-old sample of immigrants as white-collar workers is widely circulated, immigration pace of light more and more light. The 2011 China Private Wealth Report jointly released by China Merchants Bank and Bain & Company Management Consultants shows that 27% of mainland business owners whose personal assets exceed 100 million yuan have already emigrated and 47% are considering immigration. Hurun Research Institute and The White Paper on Private Wealth Management in China 2011 jointly released by the Bank of China’s private bank said that nearly 60% of the high-net-worth individuals with more than 10 million yuan of personal assets have completed their investment immigration or are currently