复兴中国蚕桑丝织技艺 构建中国丝绸文化遗产综合保护体系

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丝绸的生产和贸易关系到国计民生,丝绸科技是古代创造发明中独特的一部分,养蚕的生物学知识、织机的机械学原理、染料化学等都是古代社会中的高科技,纺织科技对传统科技特别是造纸、印刷术的发明,对音乐、美术等亦有很多直接的贡献。中国丝绸文化遗产既有极其丰富的内涵,包含有丰富的可移动文物(丝织品与服装及其相关文物)不可移动文物特别是工业遗产(在蚕桑丝绸产区内的近代蚕种场茧站、缫丝厂和丝织厂等厂房)和非物质文化遗产(蚕桑丝织传统工艺和习俗)。可以说,丝绸文化已经渗透到中华文明的方方面面,仿佛一个全息体,五千年的蚕丝穿越古今,用经纬织成天地世界。因此,构建中国丝绸文化遗产综合保护体系意义重大,刻不容缓。 Silk production and trade related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, silk science and technology is an unique part of the ancient creation of inventions, biological knowledge of sericulture, loom mechanics, dye chemistry are all ancient society, high technology, textile science and technology tradition Technology, especially the invention of papermaking and printing, also has many direct contributions to music and art. China's silk cultural heritage is extremely rich in content, including a wealth of movable artifacts (silk and clothing and related artifacts) immovable artifacts, especially industrial heritage (silkworm mulberry silkworm production areas in the modern silkworm farms cocoon station, 缫Silk factory and silk mill and other plants) and intangible cultural heritage (silkworm silk traditional crafts and customs). It can be said that silk culture has infiltrated all aspects of Chinese civilization, as if a holographic, five thousand years of silk through ancient and modern, with the latitude and longitude woven into the world. Therefore, building China's comprehensive protection system of silk cultural heritage is of great significance and urgency.
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八面来风日前,总政治部歌舞团著名歌唱家马子玉来到南海舰队驻广西北海某舰艇部队慰问官兵,在军舰上,他连续演唱了《驼铃》、《战友》等8首歌曲,受到战士们的欢迎。 In all