序最近数年有关唐宋变迁的研讨会、研究会在世界各地相继召开,这说明反思唐宋变迁时机已跨地域成熟起来。在研讨会、研究会纷纷召开同时,有关唐宋变迁研究动向的整理工作也有了很大进展。仅以本人阅读到的论著而言,在这10年间,有中砂明德、 Peter K.Bol(包弼德)、青木敦、邱添生、葛兆光、丸桥充拓、
In recent years, a series of seminars on the vicissitudes of the Tang and Song Dynasties have been held one after another in various parts of the world. This shows that the timing of the vicissitudes of the Tang and Song Dynasties has matured across regions. At the same time, seminars and seminars have been held. At the same time, great progress has been made in arranging the research trends on the vicissitudes of the Tang and Song Dynasties. In the mere readings of the treatises, in the past 10 years, there were two representatives from ZMZ, Peter K.Bol (Bao Bide), Qing Mu Dun, Qiu Timon, Ge Zhaoguang,