美国与其盟友欧盟和日本尚且在钢铁,农产品问题上打得不可开交,更何况与中国呢。 2003年,美国曾就人民币汇率问题对中国施加强大压力,但一阵狂风暴雨之后,最终还是水波不兴。虽然美国逐渐不拿人民币说事,但一股针对中国产品的贸易保护主义暗流正在美国涌动,从彩电到纺织品,从铸铁钢管到木制家具,“中国制造”在美国频遭反倾销指控和设限。
The United States and its allies, the European Union and Japan, are still playing hard on the issue of steel and agricultural products, let alone with China. In 2003, the United States exerted great pressure on China over the issue of the RMB exchange rate. However, after a storm, it eventually failed to make waves. Although the United States gradually does not take the RMB as an issue, an undercurrent of trade protectionism against Chinese products is surging in the United States. From color television sets to textiles, from cast iron pipe to wooden furniture, “Made in China” frequently suffers anti-dumping charges in the United States And limit.