当你走进湖南省岳阳监狱,会感到一股正气和清新之风迎面扑来。“问渠哪得清如许?”你在观察民警的工作生活、在与领导和民警的交谈中、在与监狱服刑人员的家属访谈中,也许就会得到答案。 岳阳监狱位于岳阳市君山区,北依长江,南濒洞庭湖,是湖南省目前规模最大的监狱,远离岳阳市中心区30余公里。该狱新的党委班子是一个团结奋斗的集体,正是领头人始终坚持依法管警、从严治警、以德育警、素质强警的方针,引导全体民警增强严格执法、公正执法、文明执法的观念,形成了全监狱上下“自我约束、自我管理”的队伍建设新局面。
When you walk into Yueyang Prison in Hunan Province, you will feel an upright righteousness and a fresh air wave. “Where can I find out clearly?” You are observing the working life of the police, in conversation with leaders and civilian police, interviews with relatives of prisoners in prison may get the answer. Yueyang Prison is located in Junshan District of Yueyang City. It borders on the Yangtze River to the north and Dongting Lake to the south. It is the largest prison in Hunan Province and far away from the central area of Yueyang City over 30 kilometers away. The new party committee of the prison is a united and struggling collective. It is the leader who has always adhered to the principle of administering the police according to law, strictly administering the police, adhering to the guideline of moral education and quality control, and guiding all police to strengthen strict law enforcement, fair law enforcement and civilized law enforcement Concept, formed a whole prison up and down “self-restraint, self-management” team building a new situation.