公元1997年3月14日。北京。人民大会堂。 第八届全国人民代表大会第五次会议举行最后一次全体会议,表决通过各项决议和议案。肩负12亿中国人民重托的2720名全国人大代表,行使人民赋予的权力,投下神圣的一票。15时37分,会场内的大屏幕显示表决结果,《中华人民共和国国防法》获得2564张赞成票。大会执行主席、全国人大常委会委员长乔石
AD March 14, 1997. Beijing. Great Hall of the People. The Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress held its final plenary session and passed the resolutions and motions. The 2720 NPC deputies, which bear the trust of 1.2 billion Chinese people, exercise the power entrusted by the people and cast a sacred vote. At 15:37, the big screen in the venue showed the voting result, and the “People’s Republic of China National Defense Law” won 2,564 votes in favor. Qiao Shi, Executive Chairman of the General Assembly and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress