
来源 :山东教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeff2047
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活动背景:幼儿成长档案,不仅能留下孩子的成长轨迹,还能帮助教师和家长提高研读孩子的水平。通过幼儿成长档案的建立,更能有效地促进家园共育,为孩子的成长留下一份弥足珍贵的礼物。为了了解各班建立成长档案的现状,开学初,我请每班交来3本孩子的成长档案,发现大部分成长档案的内容单调,形式单一。到底如何制作幼儿成长档案,才能充分发挥出它的作用呢?由此产生了本次研讨活动:如何建立幼儿成长档案。 Activity Background: Child growth files, not only can leave the child’s growth path, but also to help teachers and parents to improve the level of study of children. Through the establishment of a child growth record, it is more effective in promoting home-school co-education and leaving a precious gift for children’s growth. In order to understand the status quo of the establishment of growth files in each class, at the beginning of the school year, I asked for the growth files of 3 children in each class and found that most of the growth files were monotonous in content and form. In the end how to make child growth files in order to give full play to its role? This resulted in this seminar: How to establish a child growth files.
基层管理者心理健康问题是关系到基层行政管理工作的重要课题。基层管理者的心理健康与否,直接关系到基层建设的成败。因此必须对部队基层管理者的心理健康予以高度重视。 T