From 1984 to June 1985, our department received a total of 280 hospitalizations for biliary disorders, 32 cases of biliary manifestations, and 22 cases of biliary heart syndrome. The average age is 48 years old. Its clinical symptoms similar to coronary heart performance. ECG changes to bradycardia in 13 cases, T wave changes in 13 cases, S-T segment changes in 4 cases, bundle branch block (right) in 2 cases, 3 cases of premature beats, 1 case of atrial fibrillation. Tachycardia for many reasons without statistics. Follow-up time within six months in 12 cases, more than six months (including six months) in 10 cases. Typical cases: Case 1, female, 63 years old. Intermittent right upper quadrant pain for three weeks, with nausea vomiting, right upper quadrant mild tenderness, B ultrasound prompt cholecystitis cholelithiasis admitted to our department. ECG showed V_3, V_4, V_5, V_6S-T segment down 0.05mv, after a week of review of ECG normal. Check the next day after cholecystectomy ECG, QRS main waveguide