已知低钾血症可引起心脏猝死(这种死亡情况应该系可能避免的),故需做血浆电解质测定,但是低钾血症的危险性常见吗?那些人有可能发生这种危象Lawson 等用电子计算机记录系统分析了58,000例住院患者的电解质浓度记录。3年中发现73例血钾浓度低于2mmol/L,472例在2~2.4mmol/L 之间,总发病率为1%,死亡率为30%,大大超过同年龄、同性别血钾正常的患者(8%)。但低钾血症中很少
Given that hypokalemia is known to cause sudden cardiac death (a death that should probably be avoided), plasma electrolyte testing is required, but is the risk of hypokalemia common? Those are the kind of crisis Lawson Electrolyte concentrations recorded in 58,000 hospitalized patients were analyzed using a computerized recording system. Three years found that 73 cases of serum potassium concentration of less than 2mmol / L, 472 cases in the 2 ~ 2.4mmol / L between the total incidence of 1%, the mortality rate was 30%, much higher than the same age, same-sex serum potassium normal Of patients (8%). However, hypokalemia rarely