以海南省三亚市西瓜生长发生障碍的土壤为研究对象,设置对照、淹水、淹水+覆膜、淹水+覆膜+7500 kg·hm-2紫花苜蓿(称为强化还原处理)4个处理,处理时间20 d,研究了强化还原处理对海南西瓜连作障碍土壤物理、化学、生物性质的影响。结果表明:强化还原处理能够明显降低土壤中大土块(直径大于5 mm)的比例,有效改良土壤板结问题;强化还原处理过程中土壤氧化还原电位(Eh)和硝态氮含量快速下降,pH显著提高,铵态氮含量快速上升;土壤中真菌和尖孢镰刀菌数量显著降低;土壤淹水同时添加有机物料的强化还原处理方法可能是改良连作障碍土壤的一种高效、环保的方法。
In this study, four watermelon-tolerant soils in Sanya City, Hainan Province, were selected as experimental objects. Controlled, flooded, flooded + mulched, flooded + mulched with +7500 kg · hm-2 alfalfa Treatment and treatment time of 20 d, the effect of enhanced reduction treatment on soil physical, chemical and biological properties of continuous cropping disturbance of watermelon in Hainan was studied. The results showed that: the reduction treatment could significantly reduce the proportion of large soil blocks (more than 5 mm in diameter) in the soil and effectively improve the soil compaction. The redox potential (Eh) and the content of nitrate nitrogen The content of ammonium nitrogen increased rapidly; the number of fungi and Fusarium oxysporum in soil decreased significantly; the method of enhanced reduction treatment with flooded soil and organic material may be an efficient and environmentally friendly method to improve the continuous cropping obstacle soil.