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近年来,煤矿建设工程监理安全管理问题得到了业内的广泛关注,研究其相关课题有着重要意义。本文首先对相关内容做了概述,分析了煤矿建设工程监理安全管理问题,并结合相关实践经验,分别从多个角度与方面提出了加强煤矿建设工程监理安全管理风险的防范对策,阐述了个人对此的几点看法与认识,望有助于相关工作的实践。 In recent years, the safety management of coal mine construction project supervision has been widely concerned in the industry, the study of its related issues of great significance. This article first summarizes the relevant content, analyzes the safety management of coal mine construction project supervision, combined with relevant practical experience, respectively, from many angles and aspects put forward to strengthen coal mine construction project supervision safety management risk prevention measures, elaborated the personal right Some of these views and understanding, hope to contribute to the practice of related work.