创建“幸福教室” 涵育幸福人生

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苏霍姆林斯基说:教育的理想在于使所有的儿童都成为幸福的人。这种对“幸福教育”的朴素观点赢得了广大教育工作者乃至社会有识之士的一致认同。如何将学生培养成为幸福的人,这是每一个有理想、有追求的教育工作者永恒的课题。教室就是一个小社会,是师生活动最多的场所,是师生共同的精神家园。师大附中博才实验中学将教室作为“幸福教育”的载体,将教师“幸福地教”和学生“幸福地学”统一到教室这一场所中来,让每一位师生的幸福体验都 Sukhomlinski said: The ideal of education lies in making all children happy. This simple view of “happiness education ” has won the unanimous approval of educators and even people of insight. How to train students to be happy people is an eternal topic for every educated worker who has the ideal and the pursuit. The classroom is a small community, is the place where teachers and students most activities, is the common spiritual home of teachers and students. Teachers’ High School Middle School Bozhong Experimental High School regards the classroom as the carrier of “happiness education” and unifies the teacher “happiness to teach ” and the student “happiness to learn ” into the classroom, so that every teacher Health and happiness experience all