赚钱事好 莫忘服务赵海波当前,农村社会化服务体系受到不同程度的削弱,日趋瘫痪。原因主要有四:一是供销系统普遍实行租赁、承包,削弱流通服务体系,使农产品调运、农副产品销售等基层供销组织处于瘫痪。二是农业科技部门实体化削弱农业科技服务体系。乡镇农科教农技...
Making money to forget the service Zhao Haibo Currently, the rural social service system has been weakened to varying degrees, increasingly paralyzed. There are four main reasons: First, the general implementation of the supply and marketing system leasing, contracting, weakening the circulation service system, so that transport of agricultural products, sales of agricultural products and other grass-roots supply and marketing organizations paralyzed. Second, the actualization of agricultural science and technology departments weaken the agricultural science and technology service system. Township agricultural science and technology ...