最近,国家计委宏观经济研究院考察团赴澳大利亚考察了垄断性行业引入竞争机制的改革,现将主要情况和启示简介如下。 一、澳大利亚垄断性行业引入竞争机制的改革情况和主要特点 垄断性行业,通常是指那些竞争不能完全展开的行业,一般分为三种情况。一种是因资源独家占有
Recently, the inspection team of the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the State Planning Commission went to Australia to inspect the reform of the introduction of the competition mechanism in monopolistic industries. Now the main conditions and revelations are summarized below. I. The reform situation and main characteristics of the introduction of the competition mechanism in the monopolistic industry in Australia The monopoly industry usually refers to those industries in which the competition cannot be fully started, generally divided into three situations. One is exclusive ownership of resources