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在城市绿化工作中,乔灌木的移栽常引起树木生活机能的破坏,使绿化树木的生命力减退和造成大量损失。大家知道,促使移植苗生命力恢复的栽培措施是栽植后刺激生根。在树木生长和发育过程中,移植苗的根外喷洒具有重要作用。莫斯科林学院城市绿化教研室为了提高绿化植物的成活率,对移栽过程中和栽后保持移植苗生命力的处理方法和制剂进行了研究。本文介绍春季移栽乔木树种的试验结果。试验任务包括研究移栽时用有机矿物肥 In urban afforestation work, the transplanting of shrubs and shrubs often causes the destruction of the life functions of trees, causing the decline of the vitality of greening trees and causing a great loss. We all know that to promote the vitality of transplanted plant cultivation measures to stimulate rooting after planting. In the process of tree growth and development, transplanting seedlings root spray has an important role. In order to improve the survival rate of afforestation plants, the Urban Greening Teaching and Research Section of Moslem Forestry College has studied the treatment methods and preparations for maintaining the vitality of transplanted seedlings during and after transplanting. This article describes the test results of transplanted tree species in spring. The testing tasks included studying organic mineral fertilizers for transplanting
文章简要介绍了秦岭隧道进口端TBM施工情况及有关数据,根据施工情况和数据分析,对TBM施工有关问题提出了初步认识。 This paper briefly introduces the TBM construction a
本模块知识网络  模块常用短语、重点词汇及语法  一、常用短语  on the increase正在增加  rise to one’s feet站起身  make a list of列出……的清单  together with同……一起  even though/if即使,纵然,虽然  choose...as...选择……为……  at just the right time在正适当的时候  tu
本文论述了现代化设计方法学中创造思维的特点,并应用该方法对石油管道在线防腐层自动缠绕机进行创新构思,研制出的缠绕机具有较好的社会效益和经济效益。 This paper discuss
一、前言公理功能语言学(Axiomatic Functional Linguistics)理论是一种特殊的理论。这种主张的基础(包括理论和方法论)跟多数读者熟悉的一般语言学相差悬殊,即使有一部分表
通过施工方案选择和有限元数值计算,论证了上海闸北不夜城汉中路地下通道暗挖施工的可行性。 Through the construction scheme selection and the finite element numerical