我的故乡是苏北的一个古老的县份——邳县(现改为邳州市),古称下邳,有2000余年的文明史,早在春秋战国时代,便有文字记载,时称邳国;汉代是她最辉煌的时期,现在尚有许多历史遗存。 由于文化底蕴比较丰厚,故乡人的婚嫁仪式是非常隆重的,尤其是娶新媳妇,更为热烈。通常人们都把花轿进门,新郎、新娘拜天地,锣鼓喧天、鞭炮齐鸣的时刻,看作是婚礼的高潮;其实不然,“好戏”还在后头。之后,新婚夫妇还要过三道“关口”,方能是安眠。
My hometown is an ancient county of northern Jiangsu - Pixian (now renamed the city of Pizhou), the ancient name of Xianyan, there are more than 2,000 years of civilized history, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, there are written records, when called the country; Han Dynasty is her most glorious period, there are still many historical relics. Due to a rich cultural heritage, hometown people’s wedding ceremony is very grand, especially the new wife married, more enthusiastic. People usually put the sedan door, groom, bride worship heaven and earth, percussion, firecrackers roar of the moment, as the climax of the wedding; actually not, “good show” is still behind. Later, the newlyweds also had three “gateway”, can only sleep.