Pandora (Greek: Пανδωρα): According to mythology, Pandora opened the box out of curiosity, releasing all evil in this world - greed, nihility, slander, jealousy, pain - when she closed the box again, Only hope is there. - Wikipedia Greek mythology, Zeus created the Pandora’s Box, bringing disasters to the world. Now, the nuclear industry that mankind alone created turns this myth into reality. March 11, 2011, the earthquake caused by the stormy sea swept across the northeastern region of Japan, more than two years have passed, the horrible sea of waves long ago in May 2012, a new batch of reporters and staff to enter the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant The scene of the accident, one year after the accident, the horrors of the plant is still shocking. The 13,000-square-kilometer land ministry in the restricted area of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station was subject to nuclear contamination. Thousands of workers scraped 5 cm of soil from the ground in blue plastic bags and piled them up in the mountains of Chuan Nei Village, Fukushima Prefecture.