2004年,山西省河曲县煤炭工业管理局在市煤管局的指导下,特别是在市煤管局局长韩春的大力支持下,结合本县煤矿的实际情况,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、优化布局、提高效益”的方针,克服重重困难,煤炭安全生产状况较过去有了很大的改观,矿井的整体抗灾能力有了明显的提高。2004年底,该县有四证齐全的煤矿33座, 其中国有煤矿4座,二级及乡村办矿29座。2004年,全县共生产原煤450万吨,全年共发生死亡事故5起6人,百万吨死亡率为1.3%。实现产值2.25亿元,煤炭企业上缴税费约5000 万元,为县里经济上台阶、财政收入过亿元大关立了新功,做出了一定的贡献。一、继续深化煤矿安全专项整治,对照申领安全生产许可证标准,严格整改, 加大投入力度。
In 2004, Hequ County Coal Industry Administration of Shanxi Province, under the guidance of the Municipal Coal Authority, especially with the strong support of the Municipal Coal Authority Secretary Han Chun, combined with the actual situation of the county coal mines, adhere to the “safety first, Prevention, optimization of layout, improvement of efficiency, ”and overcame numerous difficulties. The status of coal safety in production has been greatly improved over the past, and the mine’s overall resilience has been significantly improved. By the end of 2004, there were 33 coal mines with four certificates in the county, of which 4 were owned by China, and 29 were operated by secondary and village governments. In 2004, the county produced a total of 4.5 million tons of raw coal, with a total of 6 deaths and a death rate of 1.3 million tons per million tons. The output value of 225 million yuan, coal companies pay about 50 million yuan of taxes and fees for the county economic level, the financial revenue of 100 million mark made a new contribution, made a certain contribution. First, continue to deepen the special rectification of coal mine safety, control the standard of applying for safety production license, strictly rectify and reform and increase investment.