The Nonlinear Electronic Transport in Multilayer Graphene on Silicon-on-Insulator Substrates

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ALIMHL
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We conduct a study on the superlinear transport of multilayer graphene channels that partially or completely locate on silicon which is pre-etched by inductively coupled plasma(ICP). By fabricating a multilayer-graphene field-effect transistor on a Si/SiO_2 substrate, we obtain that the superlinearity results from the interaction between the multilayer graphene sheet and the ICP-etched silicon. In addition, the observed superlinear transport of the device is found to be consistent with the prediction of Schwinger’s mechanism. In the high bias regime, the values of a increase dramatically from 1.02 to 1.40. The strength of the electric field corresponding to the on-start of electron-hole pair production is calculated to be 5 × 10~4 V/m. Our work provides an experimental observation of the nonlinear transport of the multilayer graphene. We conduct a study on the superlinear transport of multilayer graphene channels that partially or completely locate on silicon which is pre-etched by inductively coupled plasma (ICP). By fabricating a multilayer-graphene field-effect transistor on a Si / SiO 2 substrate, we obtain that the superlinearity results from the interaction between the multilayer graphene sheet and the ICP-etched silicon. In addition, the observed superlinear transport of the device is found to be consistent with the prediction of Schwinger’s mechanism. In the high bias regime, the values of a increase dramatically from 1.02 to 1.40. The strength of the electric field corresponding to the on-start of electron-hole pair production is calculated to be 5 x 10-4 V / m. Our work provides an experimental observation of the nonlinear transport of the multilayer graphene.
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