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许多同学都说平时学校不怎么进行听力训练,导致自己的听力成绩很差。我高中的时候,学校也不经常进行听力训练,但我每天早上吃早餐的时候,都会按照高考的模式进行自我训练。所以,要想提高听力水平,还是得靠自己。个人觉得那种以为听几首英文歌就能提高听力水平的想法是不太现实的。如何进行听力训练呢?其实方法很简单。每次听听力前,我们一定要先看一遍听力的设问、选项,圈出每个问题的关键信息。尤其是那些组合题,我们要善于寻 Many of my classmates said that normal schooling usually does not practice listening well, resulting in poor academic performance. When I was in high school, the school often did not do any listening training. However, every morning when I eat breakfast, I train myself according to the mode of college entrance examination. So, in order to improve the level of listening, or rely on their own. Personally think that kind of thinking that listening to a few English songs can improve the level of listening to the idea is not realistic. How to practice listening? In fact, the method is very simple. Before listening to each hearing, we must first look at hearing the questions, options, circle the key information for each question. Especially those combinations, we should be good at searching
人们已日益认识到百日咳是青少年和成人长期咳嗽的一个重要原因。本研究的目的是评估青少年和成人接种单剂五组分无细胞百日咳 DTP-脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗联合疫苗(Tda P- IPV)
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摘要 进步主义时期是美国历史上解决城市化危机和社会矛盾的重要时期。进步主义改革的一项重要内容就是政府机构改革,其目的是完善国家机器,使政府机构适应社会发展的需要。这项改革在州、地方政府的层面上取得巨大成就,尤其在市政府、州政府和州议会改革方面。通过改革,美国州、地方政府的效率大大提高,政治民主化进一步加强,贪污腐败现象得到遏制,其改革的许多经验值得我们借鉴。  关键词 进步主义,政府改革,美国  
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