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为了揭示褐飞虱种群数量灾变规律,提高监测预警水平,2012年对单季稻甬优9号露地栽培与笼罩栽培处理的褐飞虱种群数量消长与为害进行了系统监测。结果表明,无论在露地状态,还是田间笼罩状态下,褐飞虱种群数量增长拐点均出现在水稻拔节期(8月中旬)至孕穗期(8月底至9月初),然后种群数量快速上升,直至9月底水稻乳熟期达种群数量高峰,致使田间陆续出现冒穿、倒伏灾变。经统计分析,单季稻拔节期褐飞虱虫量(m2)、孕穗期褐飞虱虫量(m3)与产量损失率(y)关系模型分别为y1=2.840 9m2-18.940 1和y2=1.249 8m3-11.0669。故在单季稻区对褐飞虱的灾变预警应以8月中旬和9月上旬的虫口密度为主要指标,即一般虫量达到7~10头/丛时就应发布预警。 In order to reveal the rule of catastrophe of BPH population and improve the level of monitoring and warning, the population growth and damage of Nilaparvata lugens (Nilaparvata lugens), a single cropping rice, Yongyou 9, in 2012 were systematically monitored. The results showed that the inflection point of population growth of BPH population appeared at the jointing stage (middle August) to booting stage (from the end of August to the beginning of September), both in open field and in the field, and then the population increased rapidly until the end of September The peak of rice population reached the peak of population, resulting in one after another field to run through, fall disaster. According to statistical analysis, the relationship between the number of brown planthopper (m2) at the jointing stage and the rate of yield loss (ym) at the booting stage was y1 = 2.840 9m2-18.9401 and y2 = 1.249 8m3-11.0669 respectively. Therefore, early warning of brown planthopper catastrophe in single cropping area should be based on the density of insects in mid-August and early September, that is, early warning should be issued when the average number of insects reaches 7-10 plexuses.
蛋白质组计划是继基因组计划后的又一重大生物工程。 1995年, Wilkins〔1〕提出了“蛋白质组学”这一概念,其定义是“由 1个细胞或 1种组织的基因组所表达的全部相应的蛋白质”
抑丝酶(serine proteinase inhibitor,ser-pin)是一类与α1-蛋白酶抑制剂(α1-PI)结构相类似的蛋白质组成的超家族,在一系列重要的生理病理过程中,如凝血、纤溶、补体活化、感染
本文从植物源和昆虫源信息化合物对寄生蜂寄主定向、定位行为的调控方面进行了综述 ,并对其在害虫生物防治中的应用进行了讨论 In this paper, the information of plant so
目的:探讨氧化低密度脂蛋白内皮受体LOX1在氧化低密度脂蛋白(oxidized low density lipoprotein, ox-LDL)对内皮细胞产生一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)影响中的作用。方法:反转录聚合