1概述世界上已知的蛇类有2700多种,其中毒蛇600多种。在有毒动物导致的人类中毒病例中,毒蛇咬伤(venomoussnake bite)占首要位置,全世界每年蛇咬伤的人数达50万,其中死亡3万~4万。我国已发现毒蛇50余种,存在剧毒、危害大的蛇类主要有眼镜蛇科(眼镜蛇、眼镜王蛇、金环蛇、银环蛇
1 Overview There are more than 2,700 species of snakes known in the world, including 600 species of poisonous snakes. Among the poisoning cases of human poisoning, venomoussnake bites predominate, and the number of snakebite victims in the world reaches 500,000 each year, of which 30,000 to 40,000 are dead. China has found more than 50 kinds of poisonous snakes, there are highly toxic, harmful snakes are mainly cobra families (cobra, king cobra, jinhuan snake, bingo snake