
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guorui146105
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拥有科学家和神学家双重身份的牛顿,对自然哲学的研究主要服务于其心中的上帝。他肯定上帝的存在,坚持万物源于上帝,相信上帝创造宇宙体系和对世界的绝对统治,并认为虽然人们对上帝的本质一无所知,但是仍然可以通过对自然哲学的研究来了解和认识上帝。通过对牛顿的研究,解析其心中的上帝,阐述其上帝观产生的根源以及对其造成的影响,以还原一个全面真实的牛顿,弥补学术界对牛顿上帝观认识的不足和空白。 Newton, who possesses the dual identities of scientists and theologians, mainly studies the philosophy of nature in the hearts of God. He affirms the existence of God, insists that God is the source of all things, believes in God’s creation of a universal system and absolute rule over the world, and believes that although people have no knowledge of the nature of God, they can still understand and understand through the study of natural philosophy God. Through the study of Newton, it analyzes the God in his heart, elaborates the root causes of its creation of God, and its impact on Newton to restore an entirely realistic Newton, to make up for academic deficiencies and gaps in Newton’s conception of God.
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